Commercialization Strategy

Creating, honing, and validating a commercialization strategy, execution plan, and financial projections without the resources to do so is one of the most challenging times in a product lifecycle. Whether you’re seeking seed funding for a new technology, launch and growth venture capital, or allocating internal capital, MCRA can help you create and develop your investor toolkit in a cost-effective way.

  • Strategy Development: Investors require a cohesive plan to develop and grow sustainable revenue with any new technology. Utilizing our expertise in the healthcare ecosystem, MCRA can provide recommendations for pathways to revenue (reimbursement or alternative), revenue models, product capabilities, service models, as well as identification and assessment of key stakeholders and segments. 

  • Strategy Validation: MCRA can assess your commercialization strategy and provide an unbiased review and recommendations that are digestible to an investor audience. 

  • Stakeholder Assessments: Good investment opportunities have a cohesive strategy and solid value proposition for end-users, whether that is patients or providers. However, great investment opportunities integrate the incentives and value for the entire ecosystem of stakeholders, including payers, regulators, purchasers, vendors and possible partners. 

  • Financial Modeling Support:  Based on our strategic assessment, MCRA can provide you with a customized commercialization roadmap, including the requirements, estimated costs and timelines associated with critical commercialization steps. On the revenue side, MCRA can validate projections on revenue timing and pricing assumptions. 

For investors considering funding or acquisitions, MCRA is a critical partner before and after the term sheets are signed. MCRA can support your due diligence process by validating the technology and commercial model, and subsequently ensure the success of your portfolio with strategic guidance toward optimal pathways to revenue and commercial success. 


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